General Aviation consultancy

Wij bieden als vliegbedrijf ook services aan andere vlieg- en onderhoudsbedrijven in de vorm van General Aviation consultancy. Onze diensten behelzen het schrijven van Operationele handboeken, het uitvoeren van audit, het in- en uitfaseren van vliegtuigen of het vervullen van een functie binnen uw vergunning.

Wij bieden General Aviation consultancy aan voor AOC, ATO, CAMO en Part-145 bedrijven. Door de vele jaren ervaring in het AOC en ATO management kunnen wij u optimaal adviseren in uw (huidige) Operations Manual (OM) structuur en mogelijkheden. Daarnaast bieden wij advies voor uw Emergency Responce Program (ERP), Safety Management System (SMS) en ISO 14001 erkenning.

TARIEVEN 2019/2020  
Part-145 (fixed wing and helicopter):  
Initial audit Part-145 company (2 days) € 595,00*
Follow-up audit Part-145 company (1 day) € 295,00*
Company specific Compliance Check List (CCL) for Part-145 € 995,00*
Part-M (fixed wing and helicopter):  
Initial audit Part-M company (2 days) € 595,00*
Follow-up audit Part-M company (1 day) € 295,00*
Company specific Compliance Check List (CCL) for Part-M € 995,00*
OPS (fixed wing):  
Initial audit AOC (EASA-OPS) company (2 days) € 595,00*
Follow-up audit AOC (EASA-OPS) company (1 day) € 295,00*
Company specific Compliance Check List (CCL) for (EASA-OPS) AOC € 995,00*
Compliance monitoring (for AOC or ATO) monthly fee € 495,00*
Minimum Equipment List (MEL) per aircraft type € 995,00*
Part-SPO (fixed wing):  
Part-SPO declaration € 195,00*
Part-SPO Operations Manual writing € 2.495,00*
Part-SPO Standard Operating Procedures writing € 995,00*
Manual writing AOC or ATO (fixed wing):  
Transition A-to-A AIR-OPS to A-to-B AIR-OPS € 2.995,00*
Safety Management System (SMS) manual € 995,00*
Emergeny Response Program (ERP) manual € 995,00*
Initial AOC A-to-A EASA AIR-OPS (incl. CCL, ERP and SMS) € 7.995,00*
Initial AOC A-to-B EASA AIR-OPS (incl. CCL, ERP and SMS) € 14.995,00*
Yearly review and update of Operations Manual € 995,00*
Consultancy initial company manual writing € 65,00 per hour*
Consultancy company manual revisions writing € 65,00 per hour*
Aircraft Lease inspections (fixed wing and helicopter):  
Mid-Term lease inspection (1 day) € 595,00*
-       Physical inspection  
-       Document preparation  
-       Reporting within 48 hours after finalizing inspection  
Pre-buy inspection (3 days) € 1.495,00* 
-       Document check  
-       Physical survey  
-       Regulations check  
-       Reporting within 48 hours after finalizing inspection  
ISO 14001:  
Initial audit ISO company in aviation industry (2 days) € 895,00*
Follow-up audit ISO company in aviation industry (1 day) € 495,00*
ISO 14001 Environmental Management manual for aviation € 2.995,00*

*Excl. VAT, travel costs and HOTAC (only if outside The Netherlands) not included in price. Charges for CAA approval fees are not included. If services require more than the indicated number of days (1 day = 10 hours) an extra charge of € 60,00 per hour applies.